Evaluation of silages elaborated with corn produced under two fertilization levels: II. Quality
To minimize produc on costs small farmers at the Pelotas dairy basin use as maximum fer liza on level for silage produc on, the one recommended for grain produc on. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of two levels of fer liza on (for grains; for silage) upon quality, level and adequacy of nutrients for three groups of animals (lacta ng, growing and nishing catle) in silages of two corn cul vars (variety corn; hybrid corn). Quality parameters (dry mater, crude ash, organic mater, crude protein, ether extract, crude ber, non nitrogen extract, neutral detergent ber, acid detergent ber, and in vitro organic mater diges bility), as well as available nutrients (diges ble crude protein, total diges ble nutrients, metabolizable energy, net energy lacta on, net energy maintenance, net energy gain, calcium and phosphorus) per kilogram of dry mater were es mated. Milk produc on capacity, per ton and per hectare, was es mated. The experimental design was the randomized complete blocks, with four replicates. Nutrient levels of silages of both cul vars and at both levels of fer liza on are characteris c of those found for corn silages. Fer liza on for silage produc on increases the levels of crude ash, crude protein and diges ble crude protein as well as in vitro organic mater diges bility coe cient. Silages of both cul vars su ce as far as energy for milk and beef is concerned; however, silages of both cul vars are very de cient in protein, calcium and phosphorus at both levels of fer liza on. Fer liza on level for silage produc on shows greater poten al for milk produc on per ton and per hectare, for both cul vars. Fer liza on level for silage produc on and protein and minerals for animal supplementa on is advisable.
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