physiological quality of silage sorghum seeds submitted to different sequence of conditioning

  • João Rodolfo Guimarães Nunes
  • Nilson Lemos Menezes
  • Alberto Cargnelutti Filho
Keywords: Sorghum bicolor, conditioning, physiological quality.


The objective of this paper was to check the effects of three different sequences of conditioning on seeds quality of silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), cultivars FEPAGRO-RS 11, FEPAGRO-RS 12, FEPAGRO 17 e FEPAGRO 18. Treatments followed the next sequence: S1- pre cleaning; S2 - pre cleaning plus three passages through cleaning; S3 - pre cleaning, polishing and cleaning. Treatments were measured through the levels of moisture, the mass of thousand seeds, purity analysis and tests of germination, first germination count, accelerated aging, electric conductivity and tetrazoliun, applied right after conditioning and 12 months later. It was observed some differences between cultivars, concerning levels of initial moisture, mass of thousand seeds and physiological quality of seeds. All the conducting treatments managed obtained purity quality superior to 99,0%. Sequences of conditioning consisted by pre cleaning operations, polishing and cleaning, improves visual aspect and does not damage physiological quality of the seeds from silage sorghum, but three cleaning operations and polishing affect seed vigour after storage of one year. 


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How to Cite
NUNES, J. R. G.; MENEZES, N. L.; FILHO, A. C. physiological quality of silage sorghum seeds submitted to different sequence of conditioning . Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 15, n. 1, p. 21-28, 20 Aug. 2009.

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