Consumer behavior of lamb meet considering the perception of quality attributes in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Keywords: Agribusiness, Attibutes, Consumer profile, Consumption rate


The aim of this study was to analyze the consumer behavior and to identify the attributes of meat quality that are most relevant for sheep meat consumers. Through a survey research with non-probabilistic convenience samples, interviews were performed through semi-structured and an online interview questionnaires form with lamb meat consumers. This research was aimed at characterizing lamb meat consumer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. In total, 207 people were interviewed, 100 consumers from a lamb meat boutique and 107 questionnaires answered online. Data analysis was performed using the model Tobit and the dependent variable was the consumption rate of lamb meat. Generally, we showed that preferences in the purchase of lamb meat by 413 consumers. The main quality of the lamb meat was softness when the meat consumption is frequently high and the flavor when the frequency of consumption is low. The meat cuts diversity was the most important aspect for the consumers with high frequency of consumption. As family income increases the lamb meat consumption decreases, demonstrating that lamb meat is a competitor of the most consumed meat in the region. Marketing strategies can be directed to the audience that consumes frequently meat in general, focused on the quality attribute in the issue softness and the search attribute in the issue cuts diversity and that consumers have low frequency of consumption in the experience attribute in the issue flavor.


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Author Biography

Thomaz Zara Mércio, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




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How to Cite
ZARA MÉRCIO, T.; RIBAS PEREIRA, G.; RAMOS XAVIER PEREIRA, P. R.; ZAGO, D.; JARDIM BARCELLOS, J. O. Consumer behavior of lamb meet considering the perception of quality attributes in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 26, n. 1, p. 101-113, 2 Jun. 2020.