Coliforms bacteria presence and physical-chemical composition of goat milk pasteurized in one stablishment under State Inspection Service, in Rio Grande do Sul

  • Fábio Leandro Maraschin
  • Andrea Trolier Pinto
  • Verônica Schmidt
Keywords: goat milk, pasteurized milk, coliformes, physical - chemical parameters


The aim ofthis study was to verify microbiological quality and the physical-chemical characterization from 21 pasteurized goat milk strains. The Most Probable Number (MPN) of Total (TC) and Fecal coliforms (FC), total bacteria counts, fat, total solid, nonfat sec extract e density were detennined. It was possible to find TC in two strains (9.5%) (0.9 and 110 FCU/mL) and one strain (4.76%) with FC (2.1 FCU/mL). The total bacteriacountsreached a maximum of 2,5 x 106 cfuhnL. Two goat milk strains (9.5%) had density (1034,2 e 1035,8 g/L) higher than admitted. The nonfat sec extract presented variability and one strain (4.76%) presented lower value than admitted. Of the 21 pasteurizado goat milk samplcs analyzed, 14 (66,7%) presented satisfactory standard. All the samples had presented fat above of 3%, that were classified as integral milk. Seven strains were considered unsatisfactory, that didn't respect the criterias of TC and FC (1/7), mesophilic bacteria (5/7), density (2/7) and ESD (117) for pasteurized goat milk.


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How to Cite
MARASCHIN, F. L.; PINTO, A. T.; SCHMIDT, V. Coliforms bacteria presence and physical-chemical composition of goat milk pasteurized in one stablishment under State Inspection Service, in Rio Grande do Sul . Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 10, n. 1/2, p. 73-77, 30 Dec. 2004.