Agricultural production of the family farming of Roque Gonzales
The Brazilian rural territory is marked by the large number of family farming establishments, which are responsible for much of the food production. The objective of the article was to verify the agricultural and livestock production of the agricultural establishments of the family farming in the municipality of Roque Gonzales, state of Rio Grande do Sul, of the agricultural-harvest year of 2016-2017. The research was conducted with family farmers from semi-structured interviews with the data collection regarding to production, productivity, area, income and establishments. Descriptive and multivariate statistics were used for the analysis. The family establishments concentrated the activities in the agricultural field, with evidence of the production of corn, soybean and dairy cattle. In relation to the area, the agricultural production stood out, with predominance of soybean, creates/recreates of bovine and dairy cattle. As for the monetary value, the agricultural hegemony over the livestock, but with an emphasis on dairy cattle, soybean and corn. The data referring to the main culture refer to the interpretation that family farmers have a tendency in the production of commodities, specifically soybean. In the theme of the area, it was easily visualized the family profile, having as criterion the small productive extensions. In the relation between value/area, the horticulture was large on the others, which allows to admitting that not necessarily the largest extension of the area corresponds to the greater financial return. Corn, soybean and dairy cattle have formed a unique agrarian structure, a heterogeneous system that remarks on a productive product associated with monoculture, but of a familiar character.
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