Caracterizing fish culture in the Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

  • Maria de Fátima Sobral Rangel
  • Ana Carla Martins Vidor
Keywords: fish cultivation, profile of the producer


One of the difficulties faced for the development of the fish farming is the lack of studies about theadversities of this activity, as wel I as of researches that guide the formulation of actions and of public politics andprivate for the sector. The present work seeks to characterize the fish fanning of the northwest area of the State ofRio Grande do Sul, aiding in the development of the activity and guiding rescarch demands and appropriatetechnical attendance. The information were obtained through applied questionnaire in 250 fish farmers, being theanswers analyzed in tables of double entrance. h was verificd that most of the producers do not have the fishfarming as the main activity, small fish farmers that use the technology in a reduced way prevailing. Thecommercialization concentrates on the Easter week, presenting a little market in other periods of the year. Theprincipal identified problem was the market lack consolidated to absorb the production, hindering the permanenceof the producers in the activity.


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How to Cite
RANGEL, M. DE F. S.; VIDOR, A. C. M. Caracterizing fish culture in the Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 10, n. 1/2, p. 137-144, 30 Dec. 2004.
Short Communication