Cochineal insect (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccoidea) associated to the medicinal and aromatic plants

  • Vera Regina dos Santos Wolff
  • Rosa Lúcia Dutra Ramos
  • Silvia Maria Marodin Medeiros
Keywords: appearance, medicinal and aromatic plants, cochineal insect.


the appearance the scale insect (cochineal insect) associated with the medicinal and aromatic plants were noticed in the state Foundation of agricultural research – FepaGro Vegetable Garden in Viamão, rs. 51 plants were examined and vegetative parts for identification and verification of the scale insect occurrence. 12 random samplings were collected and studied with 13 (+ / - 3) plants, between april of 2003 and February of 2005. the presence of scale insect occurred in 16 plants. most of the scale insect was of the family diaspididae, followed by Coccidae, pseudococcidae, margarodidae and ortheziidae. ten new species of diaspididae were determinated, of which eight with new registrations of hosts in Brazil.


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How to Cite
WOLFF, V. R. DOS S.; RAMOS, R. L. D.; MEDEIROS, S. M. M. Cochineal insect (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccoidea) associated to the medicinal and aromatic plants . Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 15, n. 1, p. 65-68, 20 Aug. 2009.
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