Seed production in Trifolium polymorphum and T. argentinanse in a protected environment
Trifolium polymorphum and T. argentinense (Leguminosae) are two amphicarpic forage species native to the natural pastures of the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Information about seed production in both species is scarce. In the present work we evaluated the number of inflorescences and the production of aerial seeds in T. polymorphum and T. argentinense in a protected environment and without access of pollinators. T. polymorphum plants produced significantly more inflorescences and seeds (63.15 and 8.94) than those of T. argentinense (24.84 and 1.05), respectively. The low seed production in a protected environment and without access to pollinators suggests the need for mechanical stimulation to ensure pollination, usually performed by insects to form seeds. This information can be used to plan future experiments where T. polymorphum and T. argentinense have free access to pollinators to obtain a higher seed production.
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