Nutritional diagnosis of orange orchards of the Fronteira Oeste region of Rio Grande do Sul
The Fronteira Oeste region of Rio Grande do Sul State has been highlighted by the productive diversification and the development in the fruit sector. The correct nutrition of the orchards is one of the essential factors to guarantee the success of this new producing region. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of the orange trees 'Lanelate', 'Navelina', 'Salustiana', 'Valencia', 'Midknight Valencia' and ' Valencia Delta Seedless' grafted under Poncirus trifoliata under the edaphoclimatic conditions of this region. The orchards in which the samples were taken are adult plants. It was observed that the orchards of Cacequi and Rosário do Sul generally have deficiency in N, Ca, Mn and Zn and excess of the elements: Cu and P. This indicates the need of adequacy of soil management and fertilization, in order to increase the content of organic matter, the splitting nitrogen fertilization and the improvement of Mn and Zn fertilization.
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