Characteristics of Elephant Grass Pennisetum purpureum (Schumach) and its new cultivars BRS Kurumi and BRS Capiaçu
The Poaceae family (grasses) are the basis of ruminants feeding. These plants need to express their full capacity of biomass production with high nutrient values to supply the nutritional exigencies of the livestock animals. As an example, we have elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), a forage with high nutritional value, its use may be in both silage or grazing forms. In this context, the aim of this review was to obtain information from literature to concede agronomic, morphological and management characteristics to the elephant grass and its new cultivars BRS Kurumi and BRS Capiaçu. The tall statured elephant grass has limitations for grazing due to its habit of growth presents rapid internode elongation. This results in a size out of reach by the animals and necessity of frequent cuts. The Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária started a program to create elephant grass, developing cultivars for cutting and transport systems and grazing. In this scenario, the new cultivar BRS Kurumi was developed with reduced stalk length, which facilitates the pasture management in an adequate size to be grazed by the animals. The cultivar represents an alternative due to its high forage production, excellent pasture structure and nutritive value. Considering the cutting and transport system, BRS Capiaçu is the new cultivar of tall structure elephant grass developed, being able to be used as grass or silage, with high potential of biomass and reduced fiber contents.
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