Guidelines for authors

Starting from the 2025 edition, PAG will publish articles in both Portuguese and English. Authors who have published exclusively in English and wish to make their work available in Portuguese may request this additional version (for publications from 2016 onwards).

Articles may be submitted in either Portuguese or English. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must provide the version in the other language.

The translation and/or linguistic revision of the English text will be the responsibility of the authors. In this case, a certificate issued by a specialized company will be required.

For native English-speaking authors, the requirement for an English language revision certificate may be waived at the discretion of the editorial team. Additionally, submitting a Portuguese version will be optional for these authors.


Submission Conditions

As part of the submission process, authors must verify compliance with all the following requirements. Submissions that do not meet the standards will be returned to the authors.

  • Commitment statement to submit the article for certified English review, if accepted, for authors who are not native English speakers.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under review for publication in another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in the "Comments to the Editor" section.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • During submission, the metadata and Cover Letter must include the full details of all authors, including emails, affiliations, and ORCID.
  • The text does not include author names or affiliations. See how to remove author information at:
  • The author list is included in a separate Title Page file. The manuscript text must not contain author names.
  • The text follows the formatting and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • URLs and DOIs for references have been provided where possible.
  • The text is formatted with 1.5 spacing, using Times New Roman, size 11.
  • Figures and tables are included in the text.
  • The abstract contains a maximum of 200 words.
  • The Cover Letter must be attached during submission, including a statement by the corresponding author on behalf of all co-authors, mentioning potential conflicts of interest, that the work has not been previously published nor simultaneously submitted to another journal, and that the authors agree with the submission, content, and transfer of publication rights to PAG.
  • The Cover Letter should include the names and institutional email addresses of several potential reviewers.
  • If applicable, ethics committee approval numbers must be included for studies involving human subjects (including questionnaire-based studies), experimental animals, and/or genetically modified organisms, as per the guidelines at: PAG Journal Ethics.



  • Select the manuscript language.
  • Enter the title, abstract, and keywords in both English and Portuguese.
  • Provide the full names, extended affiliations, and ORCID IDs of all authors and co-authors.



The Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha (PAG) Journal is part of the Department of Diagnostics and Agricultural Research (DDPA) of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, and Rural Development of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It publishes scientific articles, literature reviews, notes, and scientific texts related to Agricultural Sciences.

The journal accepts original and unpublished works:

  • Scientific Articles
  • Review Articles: These should provide a comprehensive analysis of a particular topic, including critical discussions and conclusions based on previously published information.
  • Scientific Notes: Designed to present methodological innovations and preliminary results with novelty and scientific rigor, ensuring the priority of reporting a product, process, or scientific knowledge. These texts should be up to ten pages long and include the same sections as scientific articles but with a unified text for the introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusions (without divisions).
  • Case Reports: Reports of rare, unusual, or unique observations within the journal’s scope, with a maximum length of ten pages.
  • Comments (up to 2,000 words): Short essays, opinions, or critical discussions on relevant agricultural topics. This section aims to encourage discussion and debate on significant issues in Agricultural Sciences.
  • Editorials: Short articles written by invitation only, under the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, expressing opinions about the journal, published articles, or relevant topics.


Peer Review

This journal follows a double-blind peer review process. For more details, visit: PAG Peer Review.

Ensuring Blind Review

To maintain the integrity of the double-blind peer review process at PAG, all efforts must be made to prevent the identities of authors and reviewers from being disclosed. This includes authors, editors, and reviewers ensuring that all identifying information is removed from the text and file properties. See more details at: PAG Blind Review.


Ethics Policies for Research Involving Animals, GMOs, and Humans

Research involving experimental animals and/or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) must include an approval number from the respective Ethics and/or Biosafety Committees at the time of manuscript submission.

Since 2023, PAG has required that all studies involving questionnaires with human participants include an ethics committee approval number.

Learn more about PAG's ethics policies at: PAG Ethics Policy.



Starting in 2025, PAG will publish articles in a bilingual format—in English and Portuguese. Articles may be submitted in either Portuguese or English. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must provide a version in the other language.

The translation and/or linguistic revision of the English text will be the responsibility of the authors. In this case, a proofreading certificate issued by a specialized company will be required.

Manuscripts must always include a title, abstract, and keywords in both English and Portuguese. If written in English, these elements must also have a Portuguese version.

For native English-speaking authors, the requirement for an English language revision certificate may be waived at the discretion of the editorial team. Additionally, submitting a Portuguese version will be optional for these authors.

Regardless of the language, ensure your text is written with proper grammar and spelling.


Structure and Organization

The structure of a scientific article must follow the guidelines below. A separate Title Page must be submitted along with the manuscript. The main text of the manuscript must be separated from the author names and affiliations to maintain anonymity during the review process.


Title Page and Authorship

The Title Page of the manuscript must include:

  • The title in the language of the manuscript.
  • The full names and affiliations of all authors, along with the email of the corresponding author.
  • The ORCID ID of all authors, available for free at: ORCID Registration.



  • The authors' names should be fully written out, centered, and separated by commas, with affiliations indicated in the “References > Insert Footnote” section to specify their respective institutions.


  • The title should be clear, concise, and informative, avoiding abbreviations, formulas, and symbols.
  • It should be in bold, lowercase letters (except for the first letter), without a period at the end, and centered.
  • Manuscripts written in English must include a Portuguese version of the title.


The abstract must be sufficiently informative so that the reader can identify the content and relevance of the work. It must not exceed 200 words and should be written in a single paragraph.

The keywords should appear immediately after the abstract, with a one-line space. Three (3) to six (6) words should be provided for indexing, different from those used in the title. They should be written in lowercase letters, except for the first letter, and separated by periods, for example: Agronomy. Agricultural production. Zea mays.



Original Scientific Articles
The manuscript must include the following elements in the following order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (optional). These section headings should be in bold, with lowercase letters except for the first letter.

  • Must contain a structured abstract of 200 words.
  • Must include 3 to 6 keywords.

Review Articles
Reviews should address the current state of knowledge on a specific subject through the analysis and discussion of published information, including critical comments and a conclusion.

  • Must contain a structured abstract of 200 words.
  • Must include 3 to 6 keywords.

Scientific Notes

  • The text should be a single section combining Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions (without subdivisions).
  • Must contain a structured abstract of 200 words.
  • Must include 3 to 6 keywords.
  • Must not exceed ten pages.

Case Reports
The manuscript must include the following elements in the following order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (optional). These section headings should be in bold, with lowercase letters except for the first letter.

  • Must contain a structured abstract of 200 words.
  • Must include 3 to 6 keywords.
  • Must not exceed ten pages.

Comments and Editorials

  • Must be a single, undivided text.
  • No abstract required.
  • Must include 3 to 6 keywords.
  • Must not exceed 2,000 words.

The manuscript text should be justified. Font: Times New Roman, size 11, with 1.5 line spacing. Use italic instead of underlining (except for URLs).

Standardize the manuscript using internationally recognized nomenclature codes. Scientific names, Latin terms, and words in a different language from the manuscript body should be written in italic. In the abstract and summary, use the complete binomial nomenclature. Cultivar names should be written in single quotation marks unless preceded by the word “cultivar.”

Use only SI (International System) unit abbreviations. Non-standard abbreviations must be written out in full the first time they appear in the text.

Separate numerical values from unit symbols with a space (e.g., 35 kg). Use international notation for measurements (e.g., 25 kg ha⁻¹).


Acknowledgments (optional)
Authors must list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. They are responsible for the accuracy of the funder designations.


References must follow the technical standards of ABNT NBR 6023/2018, with some adaptations from PAG. Cited works should be listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author, followed by the initials of their first name(s).

Whenever available, DOI links should be included in the references. The DOI must appear at the end of each reference without the word "DOI" before the link. The link must be complete and followed by a period.

Avoid citing event proceedings (abstracts), theses, and dissertations whenever possible.

When a link is available for a cited work, use the full website address, preceded by "Available from:" (English version) or "Disponível em:" (Portuguese version). After the link, indicate the access date as follows:

  • In English: "Accessed: Month abbreviated with the first letter capitalized, followed by a period, day followed by a comma, and year followed by a period" (e.g., Accessed: Jan. 18, 2022).
  • In Portuguese: "Acesso em: day, abbreviated month, and year" (e.g., Acesso em: 18 jan. 2022).


Examples of References

Journal Articles

For up to 3 authors:

 WALTER,  J.;  KROMDIJK,  J.  Here  comes  the  sun: How  optimization  of  photosynthetic  light  reactions  can boost   crop   yields. Journal   of   Integrative   Plant Biology, v.62, n. 2, p. 564-591, 2022.

CRUZ, L. S. P.; RODRIGUEZ, O.; IGUE, T. Reação de laranjeiras natal à aplicação de adubos minerais e orgânicos nas covas de plantio. Bragantia, v. 30, n. 14, p. 135-143, 1971.

For more than 2 authors:

PEDROTTI, C. et al. Óleo essencial de Eucalyptus staigeriana pode controlar o míldio em videiras. Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1-14, 2021.



SOARES, F.; BURLAMAQUI, C. K. Pesquisa científica: uma introdução, técnicas e exemplos. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora Formar, 1972. 352 p.

STRECK, E.V. et al. Solos do Rio Grande do Sul. 2. ed. rev. e ampl. Porto Alegre: Emater/RS, 2008. 222 p.


Book Chapters

FOY, C. D. Effects of aluminum on plant growth. In: CLARSON, E.W. (Ed.). The Plant Root and its Environment. Charlotesville: University Free of Virginia, 1977. p. 601-642.

VENDRAMIN, J. D. A Resistência de plantas e o manejo de pragas. In: CROCOMO, W. B. (Ed.). Manejo integrado de pragas. Botucatu: UNESP, 1990. cap. 9, p. 177-197.

Note: Use (Ed.) for Editors or (Org.) for Organizers.


Theses and Dissertations

LISBOA, B. B. Parâmetros microbiológicos como indicadores de qualidade do solo em sistemas de manejo. 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência do Solo) – Faculdade de Agronomia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2009.


Technical Bulletins and Other Serial Publications

ANDRADE-BERTOLO, F. de O. et al. Ácaros em videira no Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre: Fepagro, 2011. 24 p. (Boletim Técnico, 21).


Conference Proceedings

ORLANDO FILHO, L.; LEME, E. J. de M. A utilização agrícola dos resíduos da agroindústria canavieira. In: SIMPÓSIO SOBRE FERTILIZANTES NA AGRICULTURA BRASILEIRA, 2., 1984, Brasília. Anais [...]. Brasília: EMBRAPA, 1984. p. 451-475.

(Avoid citing this type of reference).


Online References

BEZERRA, F. S. et al. Histoplasmin survey in hiv-positive patients: results from an endemic area in northeastern Brazil. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, v. 55, n. 4, July/Aug. 2013. Available from: Accessed: May 8, 2014.


Citations in the Text:

Author citations must follow the recommendations of the ABNT NBR 10520:2023 technical standards and should be indicated as follows:

  • In citations, references to the author's last name, the responsible institution, or the title included in the text should be written in uppercase and lowercase letters, e.g.: According to Silva (2010)...
  • It is recommended that authors be listed in alphabetical order when citing multiple works by different authors.
  • When enclosed in parentheses, authors should be separated by a semicolon.


  • Single author: (Azevedo, 2003);
  • Two authors: (Berlato; Fontana, 2003);
  • Three authors: (Marques; Cavalli; Watterson, 2019);
  • More than two authors: (Neumann et al., 2008)

When citing more than one work, they should be separated by a semicolon: (Berlato; Fontana, 2003; Jost et al., 2010).

When citations are outside parentheses:

  • Single author: Azevedo (2003);
  • Two authors: Berlato and Fontana (2003) (or Berlato e Fontana (2003) in Portuguese);
  • Three authors: Marques; Cavalli; Watterson (2019);
  • More than two authors: Andrade et al. (2017).


Direct citations are not allowed. The use of apud should be avoided as much as possible.


Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be numbered independently and sequentially using Arabic numerals and must be included within the text.


  • Should be presented below the title, preceded by the word Table in lowercase letters, except for the initial letter, in bold, with a period at the end.
  • The table title must provide complete and precise information about the presented topic.
  • Example: Table 1. Climate variation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in 2020.
  • Explanatory notes may be included below the tables in font size 10.
  • Horizontal lines should be used to separate the header from the title and the body, as well as the bottom of the table. Additional horizontal lines may be used within the header and body.
  • External vertical lines should not be used.
  • Tables must be inserted within the text, numbered, and labeled (e.g., Table 1).


  • Include graphs, maps, illustrations, and photos, either standalone or arranged in panels.
  • Figures should be followed by a title preceded by the word Figure, written concisely and descriptively, in lowercase letters except for the initial letter, in bold, with a period at the end, below the figure.
  • The title should provide complete and precise information about the presented topic.
  • Example: Figure 1. Agricultural zoning in 2020 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Figures must be inserted within the text, numbered, and labeled (e.g., Fig. 1).
  • Images should preferably be in color.
  • For journal formatting, authors must submit images embedded in the text with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (.jpg or .tif formats for photos, and .gif or .tif formats for graphs and diagrams).


Submission and Publication Fees

The entire submission, editing, and publication process at PAG is completely free of charge, with no fees required.


Additional Information

  • Since 2016, articles have been made available online on the journal's official website.
  • Printed copies of articles and the journal are not provided.
  • When citing articles from Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, if an abbreviation of the journal name is required (as per IBICT/CCN), use Pesq. agropec. gaucha.


Copyright Statement

The authors declare that the submitted work has not been previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal and that they agree with the submission, content, and transfer of publication rights to the scientific journal Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha - PAG.

The authors take full responsibility for the originality of the article and may be held accountable for any claims from third parties regarding authorship.

The full reproduction of articles from the journal in other free-use electronic media is permitted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.


Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services offered by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.