Use of peat and bark in the composition of substrates for the production of citrus seedlings
Rio Grande do Sul is the sixth national orange producer, with the largest production located in the Caí Valley Region and surroundings. The cultivation is intended mainly for fresh consumption and the production systems are varied, the most common being the conventional one, with the seedling grown directly on the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate substrate compositions to obtain better quality citrus seedlings. The experiment was conducted in the city of Pareci Novo, in Vale do Caí/RS, between January 2017 and March 2019. Eleven substrate compositions were made based on brown peat, acacia bark and pine bark, with mixtures varying in 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%, which were submitted to physical. The rootstock and seedlings were evaluated for height, collar diameter, height:diameter ratio. The seedlings were also evaluated for chlorophyll content, root and aboveground dry mass, and total leaf area. Statistical analyses showed significant differences for height, diameter, and height:diameter ratio of the rootstock. The treatments with 10, 20 and 30% acacia bark and pine bark showed superior results.
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