AquaSafe: Aquaculture occupational safety and health in the palm of your hand
The main objective of this study was to develop a freely available mobile software application and education platform in health and safety for aquaculture workers and managers. The application, called AquaSafe, was created in Portuguese and English for the Android system using the Java 8 programming language and the Android Studio development environment. AquaSafe content focusses on the identification of hazards and health risks, hazardous sources and preventive measures for occupational health and safety in the aquaculture sector. It has three predominantly interactive user interfaces to reinforce the main messages, which include games in the form of compliance checklists, quizzes and question-answer tools. The software is designed to act as a platform for assessment and management of occupational hazards, guide decision making on simple techniques or measures to prevent injuries, diseases and fatalities during aquaculture activities. It is envisaged that the AquaSafe mobile software will contribute to the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases in aquaculture.
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