Chilling requirement of peach cultivars and cultivation recommendation in the Rio Grande do Sul State
This study aimed to characterize the chilling requirement of 18 peach tree cultivars during dormancy, as well as to zon the cultivars to the ecophysiographic regions of the Rio Grande do Sul (RS). 'Flor da Prince', 'Planalto', 'Vanguarda', 'Robidoux', 'BRS Fascínio', 'Cerrito', 'Libra', 'Chimarrita', 'Atenas', 'Maciel', 'Kampai', 'Granada', 'Santa Aurea', 'Barbosa', 'Della Nona', 'Mandinho', 'Bonão' and 'Baby Gold' twigs were collected in the field in April/2019. The cuttings were submitted at 7.2°C and two cold times (200 and 400 CH). After each cold time, the cuttings were transferred at 20ºC to induce the budburst. Cultivars were stratified by chilling requirement into three classes: low (≤200 CH), medium (201-400 CH) and high (> 400 CH). The chilling requirement of the cultivars was related with the budburst and harvest dates in the field and the cultivars were zoned in the ecophysiographic regions of the RS Estate, based on the map of CH. 'Flor da Prince', 'Vanguarda', 'Mandinho', 'Libra', 'Kampai', 'Granada', 'Bonão' and 'Cerrito' needed ≤200 CH to overcome dormancy. 'BRS Fascínio', 'Baby Gold', 'Atenas', 'Maciel', 'Santa Aurea' and 'Chimarrita' required 201-400 CH. 'Barbosa', 'Planalto', 'Della Nona' and 'Robidoux' required >400 CH. The budburst and harvest dates of the cultivars in the field are related to the chilling requirement of the genotypes. Low chilling requirement cultivars can be grown throughout of the RS state; those of medium chilling requirement are limited to the cultivation only on the western border; and those of high chilling requirement are recommended mainly for Serra Gaucha, Campos de Cima da Serra, part of the Planalto Médio and of the Serra do Sudeste.
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