Microbial activity and permanence of plant residues as affected by their composition and disposition in the soil
The current research aimed to quantify the decomposition of summer crop residues with different compositions, kept on the surface or incorporated into the soil, as well as to evaluate the microbial activity and the mineral nitrogen content in the soil and to establish relationships between these processes. The decomposition of the residues of corn, pigeon pea and its mixture was evaluated, in addition to the release of C-CO2 and the mineral nitrogen content in the soil with the addition of these residues. The decomposition of the residues was greater in the first 30 days, being accelerated by the incorporation. The corn residue incorporated into the soil showed a more intense decomposition. The levels of mineral nitrogen in the soil were higher with the addition of pigeon pea residue, indicating the occurrence of liquid mineralization with the addition of the legume residue. The lower decomposition of pigeonpea residue, compared to corn residue, indicates that the presence of recalcitrant compounds may be more important than the C: N ratio to determine the rate of degradation of a residue.
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