Characterization of fruits in different maturity stages of Guapuriti fruits
Guapuriti (Plinia rivularis) is a native species in regions of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. In Brazil it’s natural ocurrence is from Pará until Rio Grande do Sul States. Like other species of the Myrtaceae family, it has a potencial for agricultural exploiting or urban afforestation. However, little is known about its characteristics, being the objective of the present work to obtain information regarding morphometry and chemical constitution of the Guapuriti fruits. For this, fruits from one Guapuriti entry, separated by maturation stadium (mostly green skin; red skin and totally black skin), were hand harvested and sent to the laboratory where they were analyzed for morphometry (longitudinal -DL- and transversal -DT- diameters, DL/DT ratio, number of seeds per fruit, pulp yield, fruit color and humidity, along with 1000 seeds weight) and chemical constitution (soluble solids – SS, titratable acidity – AT, and ascorbic acid content). The means were analyzed through Tukey test (p < 0.05). The results indicate that Guapuriti fruits are slightly flattened, black when ripe, with a high fruit humidity content (80.4%) and with a low pulp yield (19.46 %). In the maximum ripening point they have 12,3 ° Brix, nearly absent acidity (0.06 %) and 27,3 mg Vitamin C per 100 g of pulp. Each fruit has from 1 to 2 seeds.
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