Habilidade competitiva da cultivar de trigo Fundacep Horizonte sob convivência com o azevém

  • Camila Peligrinotti Tarouco
  • Dirceu Agostinetto
  • Ana Claudia Langaro
  • Marcos André Nohatto
  • Franciele Mariani
  • Bruno Monks da Silva
Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum, Lolium multiflorum, Competitive


The weeds present in wheat compete for several factors negatively impacting on crop productivity. In this context, the goal of the study was to morphologically analyze wheat and ryegrass in response to stress caused by competition between crop and weed. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with 4 replications in a replacement series with a population of 64 plants per pot. Treatments consisted of plant proportions of ryegrass and wheat. The proportions were tested: 100/0 (pure stand of wheat), 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 100/0% (pure stand of ryegrass). According to the results, it was observed that wheat Fundacep Horizonte has higher than ryegrass competitive ability; intraspecific competition was more damaging to wheat, whereas interspecific was more damaging to the ryegrass.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar
TAROUCO, C. P.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; LANGARO, A. C.; NOHATTO, M. A.; MARIANI, F.; DA SILVA, B. M. Habilidade competitiva da cultivar de trigo Fundacep Horizonte sob convivência com o azevém. Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha, v. 22, n. 1/2, p. 1-13, 4 jul. 2016.