Phenology, thermal requirements and mineral composition of leaves of olive in Rio Grande do Sul
In order to characterize the phenology, thermal requirements and mineral composition of leaves of olive varieties, observations were made and samples were collected from 2015 to 2018, in an olive grove. The observations were made in 10 varieties: Cipressino, Coratina, Manzanilla, Arbosana, Koroneiki, Picual, Arbequina, Alfafara, Lecino and Frantoio, in the period of 2015 to 2018. For the phenological determinations, the pruning dates (P), the beginning of the cluster (IC), the appearance of inflorescence (AI) and the beginning of fruiting (IF) were observed. To assess the mineral composition, leaves of the ten varieties were sampled and analyzed during winter, spring, summer and autumn. There were differences in phenology between varieties and between harvests. In the 2015/2016 harvest, the cycle was shorter than in 2016/2017. In the 2015/2016 the Arbosana and Alfafara were later, while in 2016/2017 there was no difference between varieties. The olive varieties showed differences regarding the leaf content of all analyzed nutrients. The most evident difference was in the phosphorus content, with the Arbequina and Arbosana varieties having higher content. The nutrients showed differences in the levels in the leaves at different sampling times, with the exception of calcium and boron.
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